ушбу мақолада ташкилот ходимларни бошқариш масалалари батафсил кўриб чиқилди. Ходимларни бошқаришда жавобгарликнинг моҳияти таҳлил қилинди, унинг аҳамиятини асосланди ва ушбу ёндашувни амалга ошириш учун аниқ тавсиялар берилди.
This article analyzes the adoption rate of cloud technologies in small businesses and their potential to enhance efficiency and competitiveness. The research findings indicate that cloud technologies provide significant economic and operational advantages for small businesses. The article offers recommendations on increasing production efficiency, reducing IT costs, and improving collaboration among employees through the use of cloud technologies.
Tojiboeva Nafisaxon Raxmiddin qiz, Kamoliddinov Sherzodbek Latifjon o’g’li
The article discusses the issues of creating an organizational and economic model of the strategy for the development of ginners based on the study of their competencies.
maqolada uzluksiz ta’lim tizimida ishlaydigan har bir mutaxassis uzliksiz kasbiy rivojlantirish ma’lumotga ega bo‘lish bilan cheklanmasdan, aynan shu ta’lim va tarbiya berishga maxsus tayyorgarlik ko‘rgan bo‘lishi, metodik va zamonaviy yondashuvlarga alohida e’tibor qaratgan bo‘lishi maqsadga muvofiqligi haqida fikrlar bildirilgan..