
  • Nasibboyeva Mukarrama Salimjon Qizi
    Assistant professor of the Department of Social Humanitary Sciences, Andijan faculty of Tashkent State University of Economy. Andijan, Uzbekistan


The question we are considering in this article - the role of home reading in teaching a foreign language and its organization in foreign language lessons - is one of the most relevant today. I would like to make a reservation right away, the concept of home reading is reading a work in a foreign language in the original. It seems to us that only the language of artistic works, conforming, as a rule, to the norms of modern literary language, is an irreplaceable model when learning a foreign language, and the role of this sample is especially great since the language is studied outside the aisles of the secondary linguistic community. Reading a book written in such a language, a pupil can observe the existence of language in the speech of the author and his characters, follow the ways of expressing thoughts in a foreign language, and directly perceive the meaning of what is being read. The book also creates a support for visual perception of the message, which is especially important for those who have visual perception developed better than auditory.

Kalit so‘zlar:

speaking the communicative orientation of learning foreign language material for independent conclusions and generalizations translation mental operations development of oral speech skills linguistic units home reading

Bibliografik manbalar

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Nashr qilingan

Qanday qilib iqtibos keltirish kerak

Nasibboyeva , M. (2024). PRACTICAL USE OF METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES IN THE ORGANIZATION OF HOME READING. Universal Xalqaro Ilmiy Jurnal, 1(3), 114–123. Retrieved from

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